Sunday, 1 August 2010

The end is nigh

Phew. Sorry I having been posting so much but I've been putting in too many hours in the day job and even more on the novel as I fight to keep it on schedule. This weekend's been great though.

I've hit 72,000 words and I've got just four, maybe five chapters to go. The narrative's rolling at a huge lick, all the plot threads are coming together and there are some big scenes written and even bigger ones looming. So after struggling through the middle chapters I feel like I've got the wind at my back at last.

Still, there's a lot to do. I've got enough time planned in at the end of the schedule for a light edit and polish. As long as I can keep my head down I'll achieve that. But it's going to be tight. Then, when it's all over, I'll find time to do other things, like shave and maybe eat.

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