Monday 19 October 2009

Read, edit, sleep, write

It's heads down at Edwards Mansions right now. The usual tight deadline to finish the second draft of the next fantasy novel in the trilogy I'm writing this year (yes, three books in one year and no, I'm not crazy). First task is to work through all the specific comments from the editors ie those relating to particular paragraphs or sentences. That's pretty much done now. Next come the general comments. One of the characters needs to act a little more feisty, for example – that means reading the MS again and rewriting sections accordingly. There are maybe eight or ten general comments of this sort. At the same time I'm doing all my own tinkering. This is the last time I'll get my hands dirty on this book, so I want to make the most of it. When it's all wrapped up there'll be just time for a short nap, followed by a deep breath before plunging into book three!

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